Well with services that aren't online then we can generally be more free in
where we put things, online services usually only have back and front images
allowed while offline once will allow you to put it on sleeves, down the
side, reaching from front to the side to the back, right at the neckline at
the back, etc but of course those would be more expensive.
Mark has a link to a good service with quality cloathing, even nike, adidas
and such but I haven't checked where we can put logos and such, I suspect
it's the same with this one as with coffeepress :)
- Helgi
Post by Igor FeghaliI am not a design expert but I can give a shot if no one else wanna try.
there are lots of shirts industries around my city. Last time I make a
batch of personalized t-shirts it cost $8 each for their best
material. And the product is quite good. I am wearing it for 5 years
already and it doesn't looks like old.
Post by Helgi Ãormar ÃorbjörnssonHmm yeah kinda like what google is doing for the GSoC mentors I suppose
Post by Helgi Ãormar ÃorbjörnssonSounds interesting, do you have any specific design in mind or even a
printer service ?